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Monday, February 3, 2014

How to Use a Sasa Demarle 3D Mat

Ever wonder how bakers get those fantastic designs on top of their cakes? What would otherwise look like a simple sheet cake instead looks like a wonderfully designed cake with painstaking details. While most of the skill comes from their baking knowledge, sometimes bakers use a bit of help from great baking tools. Often times, they'll use something called 3D Mats or 3D Discs to create these designs to add style to their moist and delectable cakes. 
Sasa Demarle always has the latest and greatest baking tools such as the Flexipan and Silform, but this tool is one that takes the cake. Sasa Demarle has developed these 3D Designs for your baked desserts. You can choose from 3D Mats or 3D Discs and either will create great 3D designs that will make people wonder how you were able to do such a thing to your dessert. They're special due to their ability to create a design, using sugar or chocolate, bake onto the cake and peel off without destroying the design. So how do you use one of these 3D Design tools like a professional? Both are used in relatively similar ways, though there is a bit of a difference.
To bake with the 3D Mat, you'll begin by preparing the mat with your sugar or chocolate, bake, then pour a small amount of your cake batter on top of this. Proceed to bake again. Now that your cake should be fully baked, you'll want to sprinkle flour all along the top of it to prevent sticking. Place wax paper over this, flip, and peel off the 3D mat.
To create designs along the sides of a cake, you start at this step, take this finished product, cut it to the height that you need, take the strip and place it along the inside of a cake pan, facing out. For example, if you want a circular cake, place it along the inside rim of the cake ring then pour in the remainder of your batter for the cake, and bake the whole thing together. Once it's finished you'll have your cake, complete with design.
For the 3D Disc, you'll prepare it very similarly to the 3D Mat; however, you'll bake less. You'll start out by baking your circlular cakes. Once those are almost finished, you are able to work on the next piece, the design. Simply lay this disc on a counter, facing up and rub sugar or chocolate over the design. Next insert a cake ring. For best results, use a cake ring that fits snugly into one of the three rings that this 3D disc has along the edge. This will make sure to hold your cake into place while transporting it and baking it. Once your cake ring is in place, pour and place in your layers of cake. Bake one last time and you'll be able to flip over your cake, peel off the disc, and have your finished product. If you wish, you can add a strip from the baked 3D Mat portion to the bottom of this ring to add even more design.
You'll see how easy both 3D design tools are to use the first time you test them out. You'll astonish your customers, friends, or family when you create one baked good after another with a stylish pattern on top or on the sides. If you want to get your hands on these tools, you won't regret it. Shop Sasa Demarle's 3D Designs on our website:

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