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Friday, October 11, 2013

How to: Use and Demold a Flexipan

When baking, we all know what a mess it can make in the kitchen. Between the amount of kitchen utensils, bowls, and ingredients required to make even the simplest of baked goods, it never fails. You'll still end up with a mess in the kitchen. The volatility of baking is also a major factor that can occur while trying to make that perfect sponge cake or Madeleines. There's good news though. With the invention of Sasa Demarle, bakers, both professional and home-based, have the tools to make the perfect baked goods without the trouble or the mess.
When you first get a Sasa Demarle Flexipan, you may underestimate the benefits of these seemingly simple tools. They're lightweight, flexible, and all-in-all, very ordinary. The flexibility and lightweight features however, make these pans what they are. To use these pans, it's very easy. The first step to remember is to place the Flexipan upon a perforated baking sheet before filling the molds. The perforations allow for air circulation while cooking, as the food-grade silicone allows the molds to breathe throughout the entire cooking procedure. Considering the flexibility of these pans, filling the mold without a sturdy surface underneath can cause plenty of problems when trying to move the pan between the counter and the oven.
Place your filled Flexipan within the oven to start the baking process. Your Flexipan can be placed in either a deck electric or conventional oven thanks to the wide range of temperatures the material is safe for including -40°F - 500°F. When filling, make sure that every mold has something in it, even if it is filled with water, just so that the molds do not get misshapen from the heat.
Remove your pan from the oven once your baked goods are ready. This is where the magical properties come in to play. Any baker will greatly appreciate the value of the flexible molds at this point. Once your baked goods has had time to set, choose to either turn the pan upside down and watch your food slide out of the molds or carefully pull each mold out of the pan. Neither demolding methods will cause pieces of your carefully skilled baked good to be left behind, ensuring that every round mold is perfectly round, and every crevice remains until it's devoured by your customer or friend. Flexipans need no grease, butter, oil, or spray to create a non-stick surface. These pans are naturally non-stick and guaranteed to be that.
The next time you choose to bake a cake, or delicious treats, reach for your Sasa Demarle Flexipan, not your old-style aluminum pans. These Flexipans are the best way to bake. No ruined cake need apply when you make the switch. With over 200 possible shapes and sizes and the durability to last over 2000+ bakes, why would you use anything else? Browse the wide selection of Flexipans and other Sasa Demarle baking tools on our website: https://www.publickitchensupply

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