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Friday, August 23, 2013

Limited Edition Bacon N' Egg Chef Shoes!

Whether its in a fast food restaurant, working as a drive-thru employee, or the head chef in an upscale restaurant, a chef uniform can have its dull days. So why not liven up your uniform with a touch of personalization. If you've heard of the manufacturer MOZO, then you know you have options for your footwear. If your position allows it, you can even choose from shoes that are yellow, green, brown, print, pink, or plain black. However, besides colored options, you also have a limited time option, that's only available from Public Kitchen Supply.
These shoes are a fantastic choice for any chef that has a sense of humor, and the best part, you don't have to be a chef to wear them. If you love unique styles of footwear, than these are for you!
MOZO shoes are among the most comfortable footwear available. With their unique materials and clog shaped silhouettes, their main goal is to keep your feet cushioned. The Bacon N' Egg Sharkz Shoes are a pairing of one shoe bacon and one shoe egg with a combination that will be sure to start some conversations wherever you go. The print is just the tip of the iceberg though, with their MOZOFit™ System, they allow you to create the most customized fit ever thought possible. Thanks to three removable insoles found within the shoe, you are able to take one or two out, or put them in depending on the size of your foot. No other shoe boasts such a unique sizing technique. MOZO Bacon and Egg Sharkz Shoes
The Bacon N' Egg Sharkz shoes use some of the most lightweight materials available. No one wants to have heavy shoes when they're stuck in them all day long. Having lightweight materials makes you feel like your feet aren't confined for hours. The bottom sole is slip-resistant, with the understanding that the floor of a restaurant kitchen is typically anything but clean and dry. You need shoes that support you and keep you moving quickly.
When you're ready to kick your chef uniform up a notch, try these Bacon N' Egg Sharkz Shoes. Only available at Public Kitchen Supply and only for a limited time.

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